Thursday, December 24, 2015

Just A Thing That Came To Mind

So, I was browsing the IG. And I don't know why when I looked at this, first thing came in my mind were 'kek jambatan tak siap' ... hahaha... well, don't get me wrong, I'm not criticizing... that's the name for the cake that I would give if I were the ones baking it... weird thinking always comes to my mind when I see something... so please, note to baker dear - no offence if you happened to read this....if you were offended, I sincerely apologize. Because I perfectly understand if you are offended as you don't know me well... but if you do, trust me there's nothing to be offended about...and you would just laugh it off. Making people around me laugh with these kind of jokes is what I do.

Anyway, this baker is very good at baking and I love her bakeries. If you guys wish to order from her, I would highly recommend it. Go to IG @scrumptioussugar :) *self pickup*

Sunday, December 20, 2015


I don't know what to say..

Sometimes I feel lost...

Sometimes I feel down...

Sometimes I feel alone...

Sometimes I feel burdening...

Sometimes I feel powerless...

Sometimes I give up...

Sometimes I just want to hide...



So these are the 3 words I saw.

Popular : I'm not so sure what this meant.

Heal : Good to hear, my sickness will probably heal. I really hope that. I'm having trouble with getting pregnant because I'm not well. So, I hope this meant, pregnancy!!

Money : Yes, financial freedom. That is my 2016 resolution. To clear all debts. Means, I will have money to save by then.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Beloved Uncle, Brother, Son & Father (April 18, 1957 - December 14, 2015)

So, we received surprised news informing that our dear uncle is dying. And just in about 2 hours, he was gone.

I remembered how much he loves us all.
I remembered whenever he came over.
I remembered whenever he sleeps over.
I remembered whenever he drop by KL for work.
I remembered he always bring us to dinner everytime.
I remembered he was never a cheapskate.
I remembered how wonderful he was.
I remembered how much he loves to joke.
I remembered all the advices he gave.

I remembered him always.

I will miss him too.

I always love you uncle.
We will always love you.

In Memory Of:
Nik Zulkurnain bin Abdul Majid

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Cerita Haritu

*Me waiting outside the shop to fetch my husband*

Husband: You kat mana?
Me: I kat dalam hati you.
Husband: So deep. I love you.
Me: Love you too.


Cerita Semalam

*Me disturbing my husband*
Husband: You kalau tak kacau I tak boleh ke?
Me: I akan kacau hidup you seumur hidup you sampai you mati...


Monday, November 16, 2015

Plan Ahead (Final Week & The Day)

So, it has finally comes to the day where all of those early plannings meant for....

Note: Earlier on the afternoon, my sister in law helped me to collect the cake from the baker in Bukit Jelutong. And later that day, I went to deposit the balance for the midnight surprise as required by the procedure.

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Final Week

14 November 2015

On the Saturday, we checked-in to the Club Room at Capri by Fraser.

We went for dinner at the Zawara Coffee in Bukit Jelutong, where coincidentally there were a function happening there, and we didn't know that the one and only table left which we chose to sat at, happens to be exactly next to one of the current famous actor's seat. Well, my husband took a selfie with him. Anyway, we had the red lamb shank, soft crab burger, and buffalo wings. We went for karaoke later that night for 4 hours in NAV.

15 November 2015

The next day, we had our late lunch at the Mr Steak House in Kota Damansara. We had the lamb legs, lamb stew, and yee mee sizling. We went for a movie afterwards.

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The Day

(00:00) 16 November 2015

The first surprise gave a knock at the door for him. And there's the ferrero rocher and kinder bueno bouquets ordered from LoveSuperSurprise.

(19:00) 16 November 2015

I sent him to the spa for Burmese massage and foot reflexology at the Emerald Touch Health and Beauty Spa located at Aman Suria, for 2 long hours, while I went back to ensure everything's in place.

(21:00) 16 November 2015

I blindfolded him and bring him back home soon after he finished his spa session.
So, I had planned over to do some surprise with the attendance of his parents/siblings, along with my parents/siblings.

I had the Nutella Pavlova from ScrumptiousSugar for his birthday cake. I bought the cake topper from AkuDanKraf.

I had ordered the Buttermilk Chicken, the tray food from the DearAzalea.
I bought the frozen lamb meatballs to be fried, because I didn't managed to make it for Ikea meatballs, but it was nice still.
His mother cooked the prawn sambal and sago.
His brother bought over some sate.
I had also ordered the honey baby pine, for the dessert from EzanRosli.
And some other fruits bought over from the family.

Awesome dinner!

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I hope he had a great time.... =)

Saturday, November 14, 2015

i wish i could just fucking kill myself now!!! fucker!!!! sialll!!!! kimakkkkk!!!!! babi!!!!!! mampos laaahhhhh cibaiiii takda mooddd dah aku ni haaa!!!! butohhhhh!!!!! cancellll jelaaa babi semua benda cibaiii matiiii!!!!!! spoilll gila la kimakkk mood aku dah tak rasa nak pegi mana mana dahhh!!!! taknak buat apa apa dahhh!!!! cibaiiii aku matiii lagi bagosss laahhhhh lancauuuuu!!!!! arghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! biarrrr rosakkkk semuaaaa!!!!!!

Friday, November 06, 2015

Plan Ahead (Week 14)

Been a while since my last small surprises for him... Now its week 14.... Been doing some stuffs which of course, I can't say yet....

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Week 14

I've made purchases on few things this week.

Here's the shots:

There are still few more things to be done. I hope everything went smooth.

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Friday, October 02, 2015

A Piece Of My Brain For The Night:

bila kenal ramai org sana sini kat negara sendiri, dan org tu pulak mmg warganegara....lama2 aku dah xsurprise bila rupanya ada ramai org yg mmg xtau bahasa malaysia. true enough mmg itu bahasa kebangsaan negara. tp aku xheran kalau org bkomunikasi dlm english.... sbb itu adalah world national language.

ada org yg xtau bahasa malaysia sbb dalam family dia sniri dari kecik dah di didik utk bkomunikasi dlm english. jangan kata bahasa malaysia. even ada juga yg aku kenal berbangsa cina tp xtahu bahasa cina atau india tp xtahu bahasa india. mereka ni cuma tahu english. tak pun, bahasa malaysia diorg lagi power dr org kita sniri. sbb ape? sbb mereka ckp dr kecik mak bapak atok nenek cuma guna satu bahasa tu je.

tapi aku xde pulak nak maki dia sbb xtau bahasa asal usul. aku ajar diorg ni ade lah. bila seseorg cakap guna satu2 bahasa tu yg bukan bahasa asal dia, dia mungkin ada sebab. mungkin sbb memang dia xtahu bahasa asal dia atas hasil didikan keluarga dia sendiri, atau pun mungkin sbb dia tahu ada org keliling dia yg mendengar atau membaca tu, tak faham bahasa asal dia.

aku ada kenal org yg bila depan aku dia guna bahasa dia. tp lepas tu diorg ni sanggup explain balik kt aku apa yg diorg borak tu guna bahasa yg aku faham. aku ada jugak kenal org yg suka bckp guna bahasa dia, so dia ajar aku bahasa dia supaya sng bila dia bborak dpn aku, aku blh faham skali sikit2. so aku pun gelak skali. xde la rasa mcm bodoh je xfhm.

aku ada sorg tu aku kenal bukan org sini. masa lepak, mmg semua org kita, kecuali dia. habis tu rasa2 nya, ktrg nk kena bbual guna bahasa negara ke bahasa dunia? sblm jwb, cuba letak diri kt tmpt org tu, mcm mana rasa nya bila org keliling bbual bahasa kita xfhm?

aku ckp ni sbb ada org tu aku tgk nak minta bantuan, tp minta tolong dalam bahasa dunia. tak pasal kena sound. kau rasa dalam friendlist dia tu semua faham bahasa kita ke? atau pun kau rasa dlm friendlist dia tu ada korg je takde org lain?

if ada yg xfhm, sapa2 yg fhm tu tlg la translate kan ataupun ajar org yg xfhm tu ttg bahasa yg dia pakai. sampai bila nk biar org yg xtahu tu terus xtahu? dah ramai org yg aku kenal, tak berapa faham bahasa kita, jd aku ajar.

jangan sombong dgn org.

jangan sisihkan org yg nak blajar.

bukan kita je yg nak pandai, org lain x.

A Piece Of My Brain For The Day:

I used to be very nice and care about everyone. But people just loved to either take advantage of it, stabbed me from behind or stepped on my head. Until one day, I've then decided NOT going to be nice to everyone neither care about them. UNLESS if those who care about me, then I will care about them back.

Therefore for those who are not, REGARDLESS you are related or not, sorry to say....I don't give a shit about you. Just because if we are related, doesn't mean I can't live without you. Just because if I care so much of you, doesn't mean I'm not able to turned my back on you. I can and I will....IF I were ever being given those snobbish and cocky attitude of yours.

I used to tolerate and consider. But now I'm not anymore. I do not and will not show any attitude to you even if I don't like you unless if you asked for it. "Dah meminta sangat, memang mendapat lah". You gotta get what you've asked for right?

I'm not choosy. I welcome any kind of people in my circle.....rich or poor, young or old, good person or bad person, good looking or not so good looking, I'm fine with it. I'll make you the happiest person on earth. Just don't you ever be snobbish, cocky, ungrateful, cheater to me. I'll give second chance of course, but don't you ever crossed your mind thinking that you can deceive me, because you are dead wrong.

You expect me to be nice to you, I can be nice to you, but do keep your inconsiderate attitude in a box. I have my reasons why I've become who I am now instead of the old me. I've trusted on so many people that I didn't even blink for a second thinking bad about them. I've treated people so nice that I put myself second in place. But I guess I am not blind enough when one day I've realized that I've got nothing to loose if I ever cut any of you out of my circle.

Do not underestimate me. I can be and will become someone that no one will ever be able to expect it. Don't test me in any way positively or negatively, you'll be surprised. Trust me, you do not want to know what I can turn into if you ever thought of trying to test me negatively.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Plan Ahead (Week 8)

I saw some interesting chocolates on IG from Kinder & Magnum. He probably going to love it, so I ordered them, and purchased after the macarons.

Waited 2 days for the delivery of the chocs. Once arrived, I dismantled them from their boxes/packaging, and I rearranged it in a box that I purchased separately.

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Week 8

Here's the photo when I received those postage.

And, here's the photo after I've arranged them in a box.

He went for 2 days training, I placed this in the bedroom before he came back from training. =)

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Note: Thanks to both suppliers!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Plan Ahead (Week 7)

Few days ago I've ordered something for my husband. I was trying to order it last week but unfortunately there are some inconveniences which delayed my order.

I was planning to surprise him at work, but it doesn't seems to work out. So I thought... nevermind, just do whatever that can be done. Regardless of how it is going to be done, as long as it happens, is good enough for me.

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Week 7

This is what I get ⇃⇂

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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Plan Ahead (Week 6)

While I can. I was thinking to give some surprises to my husband. Just some random ones, with no occasions. It has been quite a while since I last gave him a surprise. The last surprise I did was in February. It wasn't a big thing, but at least something. I love to give him random surprises. Well, why wait for an occasion just to make surprises?

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Week 6

I was planning to surprise him with something since last week. But only managed to do it this week.

So.... Happy 86 Menssiversary! ^_^

I ordered 2 jars of special ChocoTreats from Shida_Sis - topped with Kinder Bueno, his favourite.

They are very nice. He loves it so much!

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p/s: Thanks Shida for making my 2 jars very quick.

And I also bought from her a jar of Pretzel Lava. It was so good.... sweet & salty. I love it!

Sunday, September 06, 2015

Plan Ahead (Week 4)

So, following to the first week planning, I decide to buy him advance birthday presents. Yes, presents. HaHa. Just like I bought him camera last time, where I did not only bought him a camera, I also bought him the tripod, lens filter, battery grip, extra battery for the battery grip because battery grip requires 2 batteries, leather strap, and an SD card.

I thought of buying the presents later probably next month or something, but before I am out of my last cash, why not just get it now than later because I probably won't be able to get any. As I chose to retired young, so ya, there won't be a next time.

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Week 4

So this time I bought him Mutation X dripper, UD vaper's sling bag, IPV D2 with battery for the dripper, when you have a battery you need a battery charger, so XTAR battery charger, and Coil Master DIY Kit V2.

The funny thing is, he uses the new D2 for a day and his current M80 SMOK goes wacko. I guessed the old mod is sulking over the new mod.

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Sunday, August 16, 2015

Look Away

I was supposed to have my period on the 10th. Yet there's no hint that its going to come. I started to get sick on the 9th. Probably part of the symptoms that I am probably pregnant. 

On the 13th, still no sign of period. No pain no nothing. Doesn't even feel like having any at all. It has been 4 days now since my period due. I'm still sick and had a high fever last night. Coughing making my tummy and head pain so bad. Trying my best not to take any meds just to be careful that IF I am really having a baby. Night comes, and there goes the red blood flowing out. Pink-ish and waterry. Not like the usual period I use to have. Kinda dissappointed.

But I don't know. I had 'that' period only for 2 days. Now it has stopped. If there was a baby, its probably not mine to keep. I had to take the meds coz the pain is killing me. 5 days I stayed strong ignoring the sickness and pain just to be careful in case I'm pregnant. And then, it suddenly comes. That dissappointment breaks my courage to stay off meds.

I'm sorry.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Plan Ahead (Week 1)

So I've decided to make early plans, well as usual I always does, only that after 2 years I have been super packed with tiredness, work, stress and schedules, I have done less than what I usual does.

Anyway, because I will be off work anytime soon, so I thought if this will be the last, must make it count. I will never know what will come next time and what I can do in the future. I may not have any more chances next year....who knows, since I no longer earn income.

I am not gonna mentioned what I am about to do, or what are these about, because he might probably read it and I don't want to spoil the plans. Let him find out about it when the time comes. =)

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Week 1

So last week, I have make the deposit for one of the plan. The balance payment will be done later. And also I have fully paid the booking too. 

More things to do in the meantime, but still too early to be done. This one I did early because it needs to be booked early to avoid any inconvenience later. The rest I will prepare after. =)

I had few things in mind now, only wait for the time to do it.

I just hope for the best. 

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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Gift From Husband

Got a random gift from my husband today. Love it! Thank you husband!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Kami Ada Cara Kami Tersendiri

Ada beberapa nasihat dan cara adab yang boleh di amalkan. Namun sesetengah yang di senaraikan kadang-kala tidak semua nya elok ataupun berlandaskan Al-Quran dan sunnah.

Jadi seelok-eloknya jadikan Al-Quran dan sunnah sebagai panduan untuk nasihat dan adab yang lebih diyakini dapat memberi kebaikkan dan kebahagiaan, bukan yang dikarang oleh seseorang yang kita tidak ketahui kesahihan asal usul kerana tidak kita akan tahu apa kesannya.

Apapun, lain pasangan lain cara pengurusannya untuk membina sebuah keluarga yang selesa dan bahagia kerana setiap orang mempunyai keunikkan yang tersendiri.

Sebab tu Allah jadikan kita mempunyai pasangan masing-masing yang sesuai dengan dirinya bukan dengan diri orang lain. Dan pasangan itu yang dapat menerima kekurangan dan kelebihan diantara satu sama lain.

Kerana kita dijadikan untuk mencukupi antara satu sama lain. Dan saling membantu antara satu sama lain. Kerana kekurangan kita mungkin adalah kelebihan pasangan kita dan dia dijadikan untuk membantu apa yang kita kurang. Dan kekurangan pasangan kita mungkin adalah kelebihan kita dan kita dijadikan untuk membantu apa yang dia kurang.

Yang pasti, perkara yang merupakan tanggungjawab seorang suami/isteri didalam Islam, itulah yang lebih baik untuk diamalkan dan lebih menjamin kebahagiaan.

Alhamdulillah cara kami masih tidak menimbulkan sebarang masalah.

Dengan izinNya kita akan dapat terus mengekalkan keadaan seperti sekarang. Dimana kita bahagia walaupun banyak dugaan. InsyaAllah.

#kami ada cara kami sendiri untuk mengatasi sebarang dugaan/masalah kami.

#rumahtangga orang lain tidak tepat untuk dijadikan contoh untuk rumahtangga sendiri kerana setiap pasangan berbeza. Mencontohi cara mereka belum tentu dapat memberi kesan yang sama.

#kita berdiri biarlah dengan kesesuaikan kita, bukan dengan kesesuaian pasangan lain.

Saturday, May 09, 2015


Been a while since I update last before today. It was super busy, plus all the things that need be done.

Anyway finally after almost a year we got married...17 days before our anniversary, we get to go for our honeymoon.

We've booked and fully paid our hotel and flight in February. Applies leaves immediately. We set the date right after our April's event.

So busy with my husband fall sick end of March, admitted to hospital...and I was infected from him that I fell sick 2 weeks before our flight, and still sick until the day before the trip itself. Temperature went up high on the night, and I was on high fever still on the day itself.

But I make it through the morning, from getting up, in a car to the airport about more than half hour, waited at the airport for the flight = 2 and half hours, and yes, the 3 hours flight. Dizzy, vomit, felt like fainted.

Stayed in the hotel room for 2 days and only got to tour out on the 3rd. But light headed all the way in the car from 1 place to another. And fly back on the 4th day.

Honeymoon not so, but at least I got to rest from work.

My 29th Birthday

So it was my birthday a day ago. And it was quite late that my husband came back...and he brought me a gift.... PSPgo!!! Super love him so much!!!

I know its kinda old stuff. But yet I love it coz I got one of the thing that I've been wanting. =)

Monday, February 23, 2015

Long Public Holiday Getaway: 19-22 February 2015

So then we took the opportunities to get the hell away from everything. Mobile off, and just the two of us. True enough, we didn't go far. Just around KL area. But worth the holiday.
Some of the pictures were not able to be included, because apparently the gallery memory card went koo-koo..... that most of the pictures went disappear. Annoyed but nevermind, we had fun!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Kisses for Hubby

I saw Kisses few days ago and I was attracted to it, so I've decided to went down earlier today and grab 1 for my husband.

I went up to write on it a short note, and I placed it on his desk when he was away smoking.

He came back up and was surprised seeing it.