Thursday, November 21, 2013

All Muslim Guys Should Know

Reference: pakarcinta.com

Uri atau dikenali sebagai placenta, dan juga disebut tembuni.
Uri jangan dibuang atau ditinggalkan di hospital. Uri adalah teman rapat/kembar bayi semasa didalam kandungan dan uri amat penting kepada bayi.
Uri perlu ditanam dengan segera bagi mengelakkan uri busuk. Jangan disimpan uri hingga dua tiga hari baru dibasuh. Orang tua kata tidak elok. Kalau boleh, cepat-cepat basuh. Contohnya, kalau dapat uri pagi, petang dah tanam. Simpan di peti ais beku jika tak sempat basuh uri tersebut pada hari yang sama/segera. Uri perlu diuruskan dengan baik.
Jangan mengikut kepercayaan karut-marut masyarakat Melayu yang diwarisi turun-temurun. Semoga, kita dapat menghindarkan diri daripada amalan khurafat ini, yang dibimbangi boleh menjejaskan akidah kita tanpa sedar. 

1) Mulakan dengan baca  بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
2) Cuci bersih-bersih hilangkan darah-darah. Jangan guna sabun/shampoo.
3) Bilas dengan air bersih sambil berselawat dan doa yang baik-baik (Untuk pastikan uri tersebut bersih dan suci)
4) Cuci uri dengan garam. Lumurkan garam dan cuci bersih-bersih.
5) Cuci uri dengan asam jawa. Lumurkan asam jawa dan cuci bersih-bersih. (Untuk hilangkan bau hanyir darah)
6) Perahkan 4 biji limau ke atas uri hingga naik bau limau dan untuk harumkan uri.
7) Letakkan dalam plastik/bekas mudah reput seperti plastic tesco/kotak mudah reput, letak garam kasar dan asam keping. Ikat seperti sup bunjut.
***Mengurangkan bau hanyir yang menaruk perhatian binatang, yang mungkin akan menggali uri ini nanti 
8) Letak dalam kain putih dan ikat kemas-kemas seperti sup bunjut.
9) Gali tanah sedalam mungkin, agak-agak tidak dibau/dikesan dan dikorek anjing nanti atau binatang–binatang lain nanti
10) Baca بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم dan selawat semasa letakkan uri dalam dalam dan timbus.
11) Tanam ditempat yang bersih dan selamat. Contohnya perkarangan surau/masjid.
12) Letak batu sebagai tanda bagi memastikan tidak digali oleh anjing dan binatang2 lain.
13) Jangan di letak lilin dan barangan sebagainya yang boleh mendatangkan syirik dan khurafat.

Hukum menanam uri adalah HARUS. (JAKIM)Uri tersebut perlu dibasuh dan ditanam di dalam tanah supaya ia tidak dimakan oleh haiwan. Uri orang-orang Islam adalah suci dan dengan itu tidak boleh di bakar atau dijual. Mana-mana orang Islam yang melahirkan anak di hospital dikehendaki membawa balik uri-uri itu untuk di tanam di tempat masing-masing. Amalan menanam uri bayi dengan lada hitam, paku, pensil dan sebagainya adalah amalan khurafat.

Monday, November 18, 2013


Seseorang lelaki yg benar² mencintai mereka tidak akan membiarkan mereka pergi tidak kira bagaimana sukar keadaan sekalipun..

Seseorang wanita yg benar² mencintai kamu, akan marahkan kamu untuk banyak perkara tetapi masih terima kamu seadanya walaupun kamu menyakitkan hatinya..

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Sixteenth November - Sayang's 24th Birthday

So, this morning went to collect the RVCs and Mini Bites Chocolate Cakes from Pearl Velvet . And off to buy the candle and his favorite No Nut Chocolate Chip Cookies Famous Amos.

Prepared everything on the passenger's seat, facing to the door, and light the candle. He opens the door, and the precious look on his face, surprised. =)

Had lunch at the d'italiane, then went for Edner's Game at GSC.

Had fun today and love him so much. Glad you love it!

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Sayang's Birthday

9 days to go... still planning for it, but I've ordered something for him which I won't be exposing it now, since he reads my blog. =) Anyway, I haven't bought the birthday present yet, but should be soon. Calculating by budget. Will try to get the best.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Make A Rose

Tried this earlier. It was fun and easy too.

My version:

It is actually a white paper, but looks blue, probably the lighting. 
But looks so beautiful on camera, because the actual one only a plain white.

Here's how to do it...
Source: https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10151771642138742

Monday, October 21, 2013


Went there for lunch yesterday. It was okay.

Portion: Medium
Price: Medium
Location: OWG, Glenmarie
Operation Hours: Daily 10am - 10pm, Saturday/Sunday 10am - 3pm

We did not try variety, it might jump to 5 ❤ if we did. =)
Here's some of the food we ordered.

Bean Curd Rolls with Prawn & Shanghai Dumplings in Light Sauce (RM 4-6)

Jumbo Herbs & Coconut Shake (RM10-11)

Prawn Mee (Less than RM 20)

Sang Har Mee (RM 32)

5th Year Anniversary Date

It has been a while since 16 July, now it is like already the 21 Oct. With works and everything, so tight schedule that we didn't really have time to go out like really² go out. We worked at the same place, met everyday, but yet it is not the same to compare of going out on a date as a couple. Well, work is work, personal is personal right?
Anyway, yesterday finally had the time off to actually went out on a date and spend time together, and at the same time to celebrate our anniversary this year.
Went to theFOODtree for lunch and go for a movie @ OU.

After that we went to the bridal showcase @ Roof Garden Hotel, soft launch dinner presented by Wedding Studio.

Ryverra: Food Fiesta

Milk Chocolate with Durian Filling.

One of the most recommended Durian's dessert that the Durian's lover should try.
The taste of Durian was not effected at all. You can still taste the Durian out of the mixed of the chocolate milk. There are 2 more other products produced by the same production, but it is recommended the most for this one, the other two not so good and the taste was lost.

Bought it during the HalalFest 2013, MIECC.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Just for Gag

Saw this on a link, it is a typical facts, some of us might still be them, some might not, that is to say as a woman, none of it is like me. I don't wear make up unless for certain important need-to-wear-makeup occasion, and majority of my friends are guys. And my friends are glad to have me. =) Anyway, it is funny though.

Source: vivas.fi

Friday, October 18, 2013

Yum Cha Place

Are you a chicken lover? Or perhaps just love to try a new place? I would recommend to go to Yum Cha Place.

The main dishes will be chicken rice and soup noodle with chicken. The rest is only light sides for small tummy such as toasts and half boiled eggs.

Portion: Medium
Price: Medium
Location: Kelana Parkview Tower, Kelana Jaya
Operation Hours: 8.30am - 6.30pm

Steamed Chicken
Sze Chuan Steamed Chicken
Honey Lemon Fried Chicken
Thai Sauce Fried Chicken

Hainan Asam Laksa
Curry Laksa

DIY - 74 out of 99 Life Hacks

Source: favmy.com