Friday, October 02, 2015

A Piece Of My Brain For The Night:

bila kenal ramai org sana sini kat negara sendiri, dan org tu pulak mmg warganegara....lama2 aku dah xsurprise bila rupanya ada ramai org yg mmg xtau bahasa malaysia. true enough mmg itu bahasa kebangsaan negara. tp aku xheran kalau org bkomunikasi dlm english.... sbb itu adalah world national language.

ada org yg xtau bahasa malaysia sbb dalam family dia sniri dari kecik dah di didik utk bkomunikasi dlm english. jangan kata bahasa malaysia. even ada juga yg aku kenal berbangsa cina tp xtahu bahasa cina atau india tp xtahu bahasa india. mereka ni cuma tahu english. tak pun, bahasa malaysia diorg lagi power dr org kita sniri. sbb ape? sbb mereka ckp dr kecik mak bapak atok nenek cuma guna satu bahasa tu je.

tapi aku xde pulak nak maki dia sbb xtau bahasa asal usul. aku ajar diorg ni ade lah. bila seseorg cakap guna satu2 bahasa tu yg bukan bahasa asal dia, dia mungkin ada sebab. mungkin sbb memang dia xtahu bahasa asal dia atas hasil didikan keluarga dia sendiri, atau pun mungkin sbb dia tahu ada org keliling dia yg mendengar atau membaca tu, tak faham bahasa asal dia.

aku ada kenal org yg bila depan aku dia guna bahasa dia. tp lepas tu diorg ni sanggup explain balik kt aku apa yg diorg borak tu guna bahasa yg aku faham. aku ada jugak kenal org yg suka bckp guna bahasa dia, so dia ajar aku bahasa dia supaya sng bila dia bborak dpn aku, aku blh faham skali sikit2. so aku pun gelak skali. xde la rasa mcm bodoh je xfhm.

aku ada sorg tu aku kenal bukan org sini. masa lepak, mmg semua org kita, kecuali dia. habis tu rasa2 nya, ktrg nk kena bbual guna bahasa negara ke bahasa dunia? sblm jwb, cuba letak diri kt tmpt org tu, mcm mana rasa nya bila org keliling bbual bahasa kita xfhm?

aku ckp ni sbb ada org tu aku tgk nak minta bantuan, tp minta tolong dalam bahasa dunia. tak pasal kena sound. kau rasa dalam friendlist dia tu semua faham bahasa kita ke? atau pun kau rasa dlm friendlist dia tu ada korg je takde org lain?

if ada yg xfhm, sapa2 yg fhm tu tlg la translate kan ataupun ajar org yg xfhm tu ttg bahasa yg dia pakai. sampai bila nk biar org yg xtahu tu terus xtahu? dah ramai org yg aku kenal, tak berapa faham bahasa kita, jd aku ajar.

jangan sombong dgn org.

jangan sisihkan org yg nak blajar.

bukan kita je yg nak pandai, org lain x.

A Piece Of My Brain For The Day:

I used to be very nice and care about everyone. But people just loved to either take advantage of it, stabbed me from behind or stepped on my head. Until one day, I've then decided NOT going to be nice to everyone neither care about them. UNLESS if those who care about me, then I will care about them back.

Therefore for those who are not, REGARDLESS you are related or not, sorry to say....I don't give a shit about you. Just because if we are related, doesn't mean I can't live without you. Just because if I care so much of you, doesn't mean I'm not able to turned my back on you. I can and I will....IF I were ever being given those snobbish and cocky attitude of yours.

I used to tolerate and consider. But now I'm not anymore. I do not and will not show any attitude to you even if I don't like you unless if you asked for it. "Dah meminta sangat, memang mendapat lah". You gotta get what you've asked for right?

I'm not choosy. I welcome any kind of people in my circle.....rich or poor, young or old, good person or bad person, good looking or not so good looking, I'm fine with it. I'll make you the happiest person on earth. Just don't you ever be snobbish, cocky, ungrateful, cheater to me. I'll give second chance of course, but don't you ever crossed your mind thinking that you can deceive me, because you are dead wrong.

You expect me to be nice to you, I can be nice to you, but do keep your inconsiderate attitude in a box. I have my reasons why I've become who I am now instead of the old me. I've trusted on so many people that I didn't even blink for a second thinking bad about them. I've treated people so nice that I put myself second in place. But I guess I am not blind enough when one day I've realized that I've got nothing to loose if I ever cut any of you out of my circle.

Do not underestimate me. I can be and will become someone that no one will ever be able to expect it. Don't test me in any way positively or negatively, you'll be surprised. Trust me, you do not want to know what I can turn into if you ever thought of trying to test me negatively.