Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Aku mmg sket buat experiment.
Buat ikut rase sedap aku je.

So, minggu lepas aku bosan, so ini la yg aku buat...

Drpd almari yg kosong sbb besi penyangkut tu dah tercabut and aku xdpt nk letak baju elok2.
Aku jd kan almari ni mcm ni....

Ni dlm proses tgh nk msukkan balik baju2 semua yg ade...

Baru la sng sket idup aku xde la berselerak almari ni.
RM45 semuanya aku beli kat Giant je. Beli and pasang sniri.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Ape la mslh dgn org2 skg ni.... kalau bab x suke tu, nak menentang sesuatu, bukan main lg dia hentam sana hentam sini tanpa siasat dulu... fikir nak marah je...

Mula2, org komplen psl time bulan ramadhan restoran on radio time azan utk waktu berbuka. Katanya, mengganggu ketenteraman org nk makan mlm. Then siap persoalkan, wajar ke mainkan azan kt restoran2, padahal sebelum ni takde pun semua tu.
La, dah nama pun nak berbuka, kalau x di on radio tu, apa ke mana nak tau bila masa nya boleh buka. Benda tu pn, bkn nya boleh kalau dah pasang, start Allah hu-akhbar pstu terus off pun. Then ckp xrespect other religions? So, your complaints tu menunjukkan u respect ke religion Islam?
Benda pun xsampai seminit pun azan nya... And bkn nya setiap semua 5 waktu di mainkan di restaurant. Time berbuka je kot. Habis tu, kalau dah masjid or surau dekat dgn restaurant tu mcm mana lak? Nak komplen jugak ke?
Lepas tu, what u were asking again? If u nak suruh restaurant mainkan lagu or doa your religion semasa perayaan u all boleh ke x sbb time berbuka mainkan azan? No 1, xrelevant u punya statement tu. No 2, nak mainkan, mainkan la, ape masalahnya, we are all open minded society. Dah nama pun perayaan. So? Its not a big deal at all pun. Time chinese new year, mainkan lagu chinese new year kt supermarket, restaurant, ade ke we all komplen? xde pun kn?
Stakat mainkan azan waktu berbuka time bln ramadhan, sekali sehari utk sebulan dlm setahun tu pun nak dijadikan a big deal. xmunasabah langsung.

Then hal kedua lak. Aku xpayah pegi susah2 belajar law course utk tau law rules and regulations dlm courts.
Dalam tv, berlambak cerita org naik turun mahkamah pun dr situ dah boleh belajar sedikit sebanyak basic.
Org nk persoalkan knp tertuduh boleh buat statement without being questioned by lawyer of penuduh? And then kata mcm2, tuduh sbb org tu VIP la, Dato' la...so blh buat sesuka hati?
Hello rakyat sekalian yang mungkin tak pernah tengok tv. No1, mmg tertuduh mempunyai 1 peluang utk membela diri, dimana dia akan bg statement without having to be questioned by the penuduh punya lawyer. No2, tertuduh and penuduh mmg akan duduk dgn lawyer msg2 kt table lawyer pun (knp la yg nk kecoh2 sgt psl tertuduh duduk dgn lawyer? dah mmg adat dlm court. Korg ni tgk tv ke x? Semua cerita yg ada mahkamah, mmg penuduh akan duduk dgn lawyer die, tertuduh pn akan duduk dgn lawyer die.). No3, yes tertuduh bila membuat statement akan buat di meja dia kt tempat lawyer tu la....melainkan, tertuduh nak jd saksi, maka, dia kan duduk di kandang saksi, utk disoal siasat oleh lawyer penuduh dan tertuduh. Ye, lawyer penuduh dan tertuduh, dua2 boleh soal saksi, walaupun saksi tu adalah penuduh sendiri ataupun tertuduh itu sendiri.
It is a very simple fact that you all can learn by watching tv. Perlu ke nak persoalkan and komplen ttg benda yg mmg dah ada dlm adat dan undang2 mahkamah?
Kalau u all ada kt dlm court tu masa perbicaraan and persoalkan benda2 tu semua depan hakim kn (itu pn kalau u all berani la nak membangkang time trial)...mmg u all dah kena maki dah dgn hakim tu atas sebab menghina mahkamah and boleh kena masuk lokap jam2 tu gk.

Tak faham btl aku dgn org2 jenis mcm ni. Fikir u all punya marah, n xsuka je kn?

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Hamper for Gift

Ruhaya's Raya Hampers

All hamper contains:
Kuih Raya
Kain Pelikat
Canned Fruit Cocktail
**except the 3rd photo (have 2 types of chocolates instead)**

For more info or order, please kindly contact Ruhaya at 017-640 9242 (please SMS only, thanks)

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Confusion by Public to be Reveals

Some people are questioning the statement of 'pork-free' in relation with 'halal'.
Some other people are confuse with the statement of 'pork-free' and 'halal'.

'Pork-free' does not mean 'halal', because 'pork-free' means they don't serve pork or their food and drinks don't have anything to do with pork. but in another hand, they still serve alcohols.
By serving alcohols even without serving pork as food in the restaurant does not qualify the restaurant to have the 'halal' certification.

That is why they did not put 'halal' or unable to put 'halal' at their restaurant, and they did not put 'non-halal' as well, but they put 'pork-free' instead.

Everyone other than Muslim knows that pork is non halal. So, when it came to non-halal, means they serve pork. So they will put up 'non-halal' sign if they serve pork in their restaurant. But why does if they did not serve pork but serve alcohols, they put 'pork-free' and no 'halal' sign but they did not put 'non-halal' instead of 'pork-free' just like they put up 'non-halal' when if they have pork? Whereas people knew that alcohols somehow is haram, and haram means not halal. Why is that?

Well, alcohols is haram, but 'haram' is in the sense of making a person drunk when drinking it. Once something or some drink/food when eaten/drinks will make the person drunk, it will automatically makes the drink/food haram. That is the statement to differentiate halal and haram. When a drink makes people drunk when drinking it, it will make the drink haram. When a food/something that can be eaten makes you/a person feels disgust, that food/something that can be eaten will be haram to you/that particular person (but not to others who did not feel disgust on that food/things that can be eaten).

See why does frog is haram? Because not only it lives on both water and land (amphibian), but they are disgusting right? Why does snake is haram but it still can be eaten and can consider halal if it is 'darurat'?  Well, it is because if let say we talk about eating snake, how do we react on it? Disgusting right? That is why it became haram. But not only that, it is also because it has poison. Poisoners animals/plants can be fatal/deadly if to be eaten, that is what it is haram.

But of course, anyhow and anyway, if you are doubting about a food or drinks whether it is halal or haram, then that food or drinks will be automatically haram to you. If you doubt that food/drinks in a restaurant with a sign 'pork-free' but no 'halal' sign may not be halal, then all the food/drinks in that restaurant will be haram to you.

They only put up 'pork-free' sign because they do not serve pork in anyway. But they might have/serve alcohols in some point, or probably, their way of cooking or what we call 'penyembelihan' / slaughter of beef/mammals (ie: chicken, lamb, goat, cow, etc) might not be the right way that it should be done in Islam 'regulations' of preparing beef. And that is why they are not qualify or unable to put up 'halal' at their restaurant or not able to get 'halal' certification for their restaurant.

Anyway, if you really want to speak about restaurant with 'pork-free' sign but no 'halal' certification, then you should also think whether or not our fast food restaurant where you usually eat at and love, and you all consider their food to be 'halal' just because they have 'halal' certification, do they actually should get 'halal' certification or can be consider to be halal or they should not because do you even know that if the did the right way of 'penyembelihan' / slaughter on their chicken & beef? Because you all knew that those fast food restaurant is not from Malaysia, but from other countries. And you also knew that those fast food restaurant mostly are not halal because of they serve pork. And I believe, all of you also knew that those fast food restaurant in our country receive their stocks from the fast food restaurant's main country where their HQ are based. So, do you think that it is properly slaughter accordingly? You knew that to slaughter an animal, need to be done by hand, and not machine right? Do you think they use hands to slaughter all of those animal or do they use machine at their factory? See... I bet now you guys are really thinking about it....

So guys, if you really want to think about halal and haram, do please look at a broader way and not just by looking at one perspective of 'pork-free' sign and 'halal' certification. Some of you Muslim people consume alcohols until you get drunk, but you guys wanted to talk about halal and haram? Getting drunk by consuming alcohols are already haram, so you guys don't deserve to talk about halal and haram. And then talk about cigarette is now known to have pork liquid on it, but you Muslim people don't even care about it and still smoke those cigarette, even if you knew that pork is haram, means you are consuming pork liquid through the smoke that gone through your lungs when smoking, it is the same thing as consuming the pork itself. So still want to talk about halal and haram? Do kindly mirror yourself first.